Welcome to the Get On Air Radio Club - G6GOA


The aim of Get On Air or as we call it - GOA is simple...... To increase and encourage people to "Get on Air"

This can be by any radio, band or mode, communication is after all the spirit of amateur radio.

We support ALL forms of communications, this is after all "The Hobby of a Thousand Hobbies", so let's embrace it and "Get on Air".

At various times during the year we will be running the following Special Event Callsigns;

GB0GOA - HF Voice
GB5GOA - HF Digital
GB6GOA - Digital Voice
GB8GOA - Various inc. CW
GB9GOA - 2m / 70cm Voice


We operate under the following club callsigns as issued by OFCOM

G6GOA - Primary Callsign
G3GOA - CW Callsign
G5GOA - Voice ONLY Callsign
G8GOA - HF Digital Callsign

We aim to be active on many modes, bands and networks including

  • HF Voice
  • HF Data modes e.g. FT8
  • 2m / 70cm Voice
  • Internet assisted modes e.g. Allstar, Echolink, YSF, DMR etc
  • Click here for info about multimode networks